Hello everypony,
It's come to my attention through several posts in regards to it that the topic of AI art has surfaced.
I, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie want to be very clear; iBrony has, and will forever have, a zero tolerance policy in regards to AI Art. The "art" if you can call it that, is nothing but an amalgamation of hundreds, thousands, of stolen artwork mashed together to create a cheap, low resolution, low quality image with missing details/features as well as distorted properti...
Everypony listen up, I, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie have an announcement to make.
I have graciously allowed everypony the ability to edit a small About Me section on their profile that can be used to place YouTube videos for the sake of background music on the profile. However! I will not let my gracious act be exploited. In the days of old, Twilight and her foolishly naive friends were accepting of violations. I will not tolerate them!