The GAP Fausty
by on December 6, 2024

C: Hello everyone, my name is Creep Show, and I was excited to hear that Faust was planning to use her time to teach ponies about my favorite form of magic, Alchemy! I just had to ask to be part of this lesson. The first and most fundamental thing that we need to be aware of when talking about alchemy or transmutation is the principle of Equivalent Exchange, or as Faust calls it, Same Trade.


F: *Raspberry* Same Trade! Same Trade is for mortals. I don't same trade.


C: That's right, as a god of magic you aren't bound by the law of same trade, instead your god magic allows you to transmute simple objects into more complex ones. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that Equivalent Exchange is a silly rule. It's purpose is so that mortals can't use magic and exploit it for personal gain without putting in work and effort.

F: Hard work and effort is what makes the difference between a gifted magician and a great magician!

C: There are many different systems of alchemy, but for the most part it's about knowing the aspects of the ingredients, whether to use them as a catalyst or a reagent. It's about knowing how to extract the specific effects from your recipe and how to purify it of any side effects. You know what I tell my class about 99% purity, right Faust?




C: Exactly. If anyone is interested in learning alchemy, my best advice would be to identify which systems are practiced in your local area and try to asking about an apprenticeship. Always strive to perfect your recipes and find ways to expand your knowledge in this great field. Unfortunately, I have to take my leave as I have to go grade potions.

F: Byebye, Creep! Um... I don't have anything more to say except... Oooh! I have a story!


One time, I came home from Egypt and went to Creep's potion store and found one of her apprentices had made potions that weren't good enough, but he yelled at me that his potions were perfect and I didn't know magic. I made all of his potions break and I turned off his magic. He apologized and volunteered to teach a lesson on why respecting magic is important to a class of young magic students. I turned his magic back on after a week. The end! Class over!

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