“Hi! I’m The Great And Powerful Fausty! My new life started last year, I don’t know how old my first... View more
About Me
Why am I not allowed to watch Habzin Hotel or Hellubba Baws?
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Never tell Fausty the odds!
The GAP Fausty Even when I do exactly what people ask of me, they criticize me.
Ember I wasn’t criticizing! It took me a second to get the joke! I’m only three!
No, I don't think I will.
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The GAP Fausty
I will not live with the consequences of my actions when burning everything to the ground is a viable alternative.
And burning everything to the ground is ALWAYS a viable alternative.
It’s tough to be a god, to tread where mortals cannot trod. Controlling forces they cannot comprehend..
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I'm pretty sure there's a Draconaquis who comes through here occasionally who could sympathize with you. Also those two retired Alicorns who used to live in Canterlot. We get so many quasi-powerful beings showing up in Equestria so often that it feels like just another Saturday morning.
Ember Actually. Sister is the one that spends more time with the Olympian pantheon. I spend more time with other pantheons, mostly Asgard, but I also spend time with the Olympian pantheon too.
December 6, 2024
C: Hello everyone, my name is Creep Show, and I was excited to hear that Faust was planning to use her time to teach ponies about my favorite form of magic, Alchemy! I just had to ask to be part of this lesson. The first and most fundamental thing that we need to be aware of when talking about alchemy or transmutation is the principle of Equivalent Exchange, or as Faust calls it, Same Trade.
F: *Raspberry* Same Trade! Same Trade is for mortals. I don't same trade.
C: That's right, as a god of magic you aren't bound by the law of same trade, instead your god magic allows you to transmute simple objects into more complex ones. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that Equivalent Exchange is a silly rule. It's purpose is so that mortals can't use magic and exploit it for personal gain without putting in work and effort.
F: Hard work and effort is what makes the difference between a gifted magician and a great magician!
C: There are many different systems of alchemy, but for the most part it's about knowing the aspects of the ingredients, whether to use them as a catalyst or a reagent. It's about knowing how to extract the specific effects from your recipe and how to purify it of any side effects. You know what I tell my class about 99% purity, right Faust?
C: Exactly. If anyone is interested in learning alchemy, my best advice would be to identify which systems are practiced in your local area and try to asking about an apprenticeship. Always strive to perfect your recipes and find ways to expand your knowledge in this great field. Unfortunately, I have to take my leave as I have to go grade potions.
F: Byebye, Creep! Um... I don't have anything more to say except... Oooh! I have a story!
One time, I came home from Egypt and went to Creep's potion store and found one of her apprentices had made potions that weren't good enough, but he yelled at me that his potions were perfect and I didn't know magic. I made all of his potions break and I turned off his magic. He apologized and volunteered to teach a lesson on why respecting magic is important to a class of young magic students. I turned his magic back on after a week. The end! Class over!
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November 23, 2024
Hello class! Today we will learn about what happens when a person has their magic taken away! Um... Well, when I take it away. These rules only work if I am the magic god who took your magic away, I don't know if the others have rules for being forgiven and getting magic back.
Soometimes people will do lots of nice things and I will let them have their magic back. I decided to do this after watching a cartoon where the pony was turned into a puppy and he had to do it a hundred times to be forgiven.
Some people will study and give a presentation to young magic students about magic's history, how important it is to use magic responsibly and how important it is to respect magic. I think this is a good idea, I saw Sister make one of her students do this after they were reckless with a potion ingredient.
If someone's magic was taken away and what they did hurt someone or broke something, they have to fix what they did before they can get their magic back. They also have to say sorry and ask everyone they hurt to forgive them!
My favorite one is to make the person pass a challenge or go on a quest or play a game! In this instance, the person will be required to work hard and think creatively, it often humbles person and teaches them why respecting magic is so important firsthoof! These are so much fun, and I always make sure the person is okay after.
Finally, the most important step, is the ritual. The person will be required to design a magic ritual that shows they truly learned their lesson, that they're really sorry and won't do it again.
And that's what happens when you get your magic taken away by me! Um... Class over! Bye bye everyone! I'll see you for lesson three!
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November 19, 2024
Hello class! My name is Faust, and I am here today to teach everybody about magic! There are lots of types of magic and while each of them come with some unique rules, there are some rules that everyone should know if they want to learn and practice magic.
The first and MOST important rule is to treat magic with respect! Anyone caught breaking this rule will have their magic turned off until they.. Um... Until they... I have a list! Where did I put it? I'll share the list when I find it!
The second rule of magic is to be nice to your friends because friendship is magic! If you break this rule, you will have no friends because nobody likes a meanie face who is mean to their friends!
The third rule of magic is to work hard and be creative like Trixie! It's okay if you can't work as hard or be as creative as Trixie, but you should always try, because hard work and creativity is what makes someone a better spellcaster!
Thats all for today's lesson, class over!
Author's Note: This blog series is in NO WAY attempting to pose as a blog about site rules. This is just a for fun project meant to explore and express what the laws of magic would be according to and from the perspective of a toddler with complete and total control over the concept of magic.
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