on February 22, 2023
I only developed Sweets mom and maternal grand parents. Her father was a pure Okapi but I don't think I have a sketch of him. The colors here aren't accurate necessarily, just the color of pens I had at work that day.
Oolong (grandfather) is a Kirin and Tomo (grandmother) is a 1/2 okapi 1/2 Girraffe. Chai being Sweets mother is therefore 1/2 kirin and 1/4 giraffe and okapi.
I'm not.married to this idea it's just the only one I have. XD
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 181.92 Kb
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Ratchet Wrench
I think these deserve a redraw/redesign
February 22, 2023