Credits of the song: Parry Gripp & BooneBumAnimation: Unreal Toonz Original Video: Raining TacosARTIST Parry Gripp & BooneBumALBUM Raining TacosLICENSESS71 NA Sounds (on behalf of Parry Gripp); LatinAutorPerf, ASCAP, S71 NA Sounds Publishing, and 14 Music Rights SocietiesVideo content created by Austin Musick
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The GAP Fausty
Raining tacos? I CAN DO THAT!
The GAP Fausty
Want taco rain?!
Sketchy Mane
The GAP Fausty maybe?? o_o
The GAP Fausty
Sketchy Mane Maybe, or yes?
Sketchy Mane
The GAP Fausty Sure 👀