Poppy Serenade
on July 9, 2023
The horse clasped her hands together as she looked over to her side, a kindly smile worn on her face. "I hope you don't mind, could I...take that rock beside you?"
Dimension: 1200 x 2382
File Size: 1.46 Mb
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Ratchet Wrench
Odd request but sure. *Picks up the large rock and holds it out as if to hand it to her*
July 9, 2023
Poppy Serenade
"Thank you kindly!" She gently took the rock and placed it into the deep pockets of her skirt, the sound making a small click as if that hadn't been the only stone she'd collected for the day.
July 9, 2023
But that’s Clive. He’s my compan
July 9, 2023
Poppy Serenade
"Oh! You may have him back then!" She hurried the stone into her hands and held to you, making sure to hold Clive softly.
July 9, 2023
King Sombra
"You.. want this crystal?... you want.. MY crystal??" He lifts a brow, a devilish smirk spreading over his face. "And what, pray tell me, do you offer in exchange?"
July 12, 2023
Poppy Serenade
"Well, I-" She started, reaching into her pockets as she produced several gems and crystals of varying sizes and colors. "I'm no good at bargains, but pick whichever one you'd like for it!"
July 12, 2023