{{ Poppy is an earth pony who spends her time roaming the outskirts of the Everfree, looking for flo... View more
Trance Sequence Poppy Serenade
Happy Birthday!!!
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//i should go on record and say Yes, I will be responding to EVERYTHING on this account in RP. Just in case you didn't know :3c
The slightly singed mare looked up from Trixie's desk, nodding in agreement. "That was my original plan, back when I joined this site. But I quickly realized that describing all of my actions could be..." She trailed off, searching for a word, before deciding on, "Incriminating."
And she turned her... View more
Ember Her eyes trailed to the gasoline, as her nose turned upward at the stench with a polite (and somewhat fearful) expression. "Well, uhm-" She paused to think, her hoof resting on her chin. "We definitely wouldn't want that.."
Looking up from her book, Marith couldn't help but nod at the statement "I was thinking of that at one point to butttt" Her voice trails off for a second before she states, "I kinda got lazy and into alot of good stories that I keep finding my interest pulled to other things. Too many things to do ... View more
Marith "It happens." The mare spoke, looking over the few books sprawled out in front of her. Her amethyst eyes would trail from one paragraph to the next, as if she was checking for something. "I often find myself gaining new interests at the same time as my older ones come back."
Oh hi
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The dark maned pony cocked his head to the side, his lopsided grin widening. "You must be new to these parts young mare. It s a friendly community round here so you are, of course, most welcome here. Watch out for the resident pyro though.. they won't hurt you or anything, but best to keep the flamm... View more
The horse clasped her hands together as she looked over to her side, a kindly smile worn on her face. "I hope you don't mind, could I...take that rock beside you?"
Odd request but sure. *Picks up the large rock and holds it out as if to hand it to her*
Ratchet Wrench "Thank you kindly!" She gently took the rock and placed it into the deep pockets of her skirt, the sound making a small click as if that hadn't been the only stone she'd collected for the day.
Cornflake "Oh! You may have him back then!" She hurried the stone into her hands and held to you, making sure to hold Clive softly.
"You.. want this crystal?... you want.. MY crystal??" He lifts a brow, a devilish smirk spreading over his face. "And what, pray tell me, do you offer in exchange?"
King Sombra "Well, I-" She started, reaching into her pockets as she produced several gems and crystals of varying sizes and colors. "I'm no good at bargains, but pick whichever one you'd like for it!"