Bitch Came Back - Theory of a Deadman ( lyrics )
This song is a parody of the cartoon short The Cat Came Back.
Here is a link to the original cartoon...
Lullay Ellipse
I was invited (〃゚3゚〃)
Lavender Dawn
Yes but it's funny
Lullay Ellipse
Lavender Dawn you use humor to disguise your excitement. Being graced with my presence once more is just too much for you.
Lavender Dawn
Lullay Ellipse fuck you that's only half true.
Lullay Ellipse
Please sir, contain yourself. There is no shame in basking in my glory.
Lavender Dawn
Lullay Ellipse fool! You think I can be contained!?
Lullay Ellipse
Lavender Dawn your highness demands it