About Me
//respectfully, why is the mlp fandom so sensitive? i have my name in a mlp discord server as "sombra's biggest fan" and i got JUMPED ABOUT IT????
Hestur yeah! they got banned and then rejoined on an alt to say that THEY'RE his biggest fan, i was stunned XD
Heaven Beat while I think that to call oneself "biggest fan" of anything is debatable, that's no reason to get angry. At the very least that only shows that the other had a quite unhealthy attachement to a fictional character 9.9
//People are dumb. Like.. let people like what they like if no real world harm can come of it.
King Sombra Exactly, this day and age is wayyy too comfortable with telling a person how they hate something. BACK IN MAH DAY, we'd block and move on smh
Trance Sequence definitely XD i was half-tempted to explain how a relationship between a fictional horse and a real person could not work