I am a Peach farmer Strom dragon.
Kitsune Foxx PoliStar
*goes up behind you hugging you from behind and kissing your neck softly* Heey hey Poli dear :3
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Daisy Chain
Public erp smh smh
Kitsune Foxx
Daisy Chain Naaww not really
Daisy Chain
Kitsune Foxx ye I was just joking dw. Although neck kisses are excellent
Kitsune Foxx
Daisy Chain agreed, they are ^^
X3 Heya there!
Kitsune Foxx
PoliStar hehe how ya doing Poli? ^^
Glad to see ya on here ^^
Kitsune Foxx i'm doing very well! Yourself?
Kitsune Foxx
PoliStar ah, doing okay for the most part, seeing familiar peeps on here again which is great ^^
Kitsune FoxxFoxx Good good!
PoliStar failing to grab some cookies
A wizened one!
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