Nylten Emeda
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Hi, I'm Nylten the Pegasus. I joined iBrony in late 2012 and left just as I was going through my second teenage phase (early twenties). Ten years is a lot to reflect upon, change, and grow. Eventually I became who I am today; more grounded with that sense of self. With my pony, she no longer has that evil side of Lynnet, which reflects myself becoming whole. She's also more of an observer of life and will go where the wind takes her...mainly with art. It's nice to come back and see old faces again. Hopefully more will return so we can share our crazy experiences along with even welcoming fans of the newer generation.
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What can I say, it's been a while, god damn. I joined iBrony pretty early into it's life and quickly rose up the ranks to helping out with staff stuff despite not being staff myself. Eventually I did become staff and the rest is kind of history. IB died, started PhM with Ratchet, went solo owner for a bit, site died because of some stupid circumstances, and now somehow some way, iBrony has risen back again. It's pretty surreal and it feels like coming full circle. Never having a proper resolution or send off to iBrony or PhM, feels weird to come back again.   I've mainly returned to the furry community after I took a hiatus prior to my brony phase. I don't really use LB that much anymore, but it is nice to go through all the art I got of him back then. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this site.
Harmonic Hooves
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Blue horse here.  I was a massive dick back in the day, yada yada, but as with the rest of y’all, I’ve managed to reflect and grow into a slightly more tolerable person.  I mean, I’m about to finish undergrad and be a music educator, so I’d call that an improvement from chronic truancy and social ineptitude.  My hobbies haven’t really changed, though: computer science, outdoorsy stuff, baking, whatever.  Oh, and I fell into the brony→furry pipeline. ¶ Anyway, my memory is absolutely shot, as I’ve mentioned prior; I was on Seroquel for a portion of my adolecense and as such remember very little of 2013–15 at this point.  That being said, please forgive me if I misremember some stuff or don’t remember you at all.  Kind of in the same vein, I’ve been compiling a directory of former iBrony and PhilomenaMagikz users so that these memories aren’t completely lost to the sands of time. ¶ (edit: attempted paragraph breaks and eventually pilcrows)